Stichproben Nr. 29/2015
Artikel / Articles:
Amos Tutuola and the Elusiveness of Completeness (pdf)
Francis B. Nyamnjoh
African Identity? Mother and Daughter between the Currents in Colonial West Africa (pdf)
Rahel Kühne-Thies
Intra-national Ethnic Diasporas: Popular Culture and Mediated Translocal Spaces in Kenya (pdf)
James Odhiambo Ogone
Rezensionen/ Reviews (pdf)
Astrid Bochow:
Alber, Erdmute. 2014. Soziale Elternschaft im Wandel. Kindheit, Verwandtschaft und Zugehörigkeit in Westafrika.
Arno Sonderegger:
James, Leslie. 2015. George Padmore and Decolonization from Below: Pan-Africanism, the Cold War, and the End of Empire.